دانلود مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک همراه با هدیه ویژه پاورپوینت!
یک پیشنهاد بینظیر برای شما!
با دریافت فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک، یک پاورپوینت حرفهای و جذاب را کاملاً رایگان از ما هدیه بگیرید.
چرا مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهترین انتخاب شماست؟
- به همراه فایل word این محصول فایل پاورپوینت (PowerPoint) و اسلاید های آن به صورت هدیه ارائه خواهد شد
مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است
فایل ورد مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.
این پروژه توسط مرکز مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک2 ارائه میگردد
توجه : در صورت مشاهده بهم ريختگي احتمالي در متون زير ،دليل ان کپي کردن اين مطالب از داخل فایل ورد مي باشد و در فايل اصلي مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک،به هيچ وجه بهم ريختگي وجود ندارد
بخشی از متن مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک :
دانلود پایان نامه رشته آب به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک
میتوانید این پایان نامه را به زبان فارسی ترجمه کرده و با مشورت استاد راهنما به عنوان پروژه ی پایانی خودتان به ثبت برسانید
نوع فایل : Word
تعداد صفحات : 64
Mediating Trans Boundary Water Conflicts
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Table of Contents 3
Chapter One
Introduction 5
The Central Problematic 5
The Question 6
The Argument 7
Outline 7
Conclusion 8
Chapter Two
Literature Review 9
Beginnings of the Debate 9
The Evolution of “Conflict” and “Cooperation” 11
Conclusion 13
Chapter Three
Theoretical Framework 15
Is Cooperation Possible 15
The Mediation 17
The Management Institution 18
Conclusion 21
Chapter Four
Research Design 22
Method of Analysis 22
Case Selection Strategy 22
Scope and Limitations 24
Chapter Five
The Indus River Conflict: Mediation and Management 26
Background 26
The Situation on the Ground 27
The Conflict 28
Mediating the Indus River Conflict 31
The Indus Water Treaty 34
The Permanent Indus Commission 35
Long-Term Cooperation in the Indus Basin 37
Conclusion 39
Chapter Six
The Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Conflict 40
Background 40
The Situation on the Ground 41
The Conflict 42
The Keban and Tabqa Dams 43
The Southeast Anatolia Development Project 44
Attempts at Conflict Management 46
Conclusion 48
Chapter Seven
Long-Term Cooperation in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin 49
Facilitating a Trilateral Agreement 49
Potential Issue Linkages 52
Potential Side-Payments 54
The Management Institution 55
Conclusion 56
Chapter Eight
Conclusion 58
Bibliography 60
Trans-boundary rivers are shared by multiple sovereign states, creating conflicting demands on the river’s resources and further complicating already difficult political legacies. This combination hinders cooperation over the communal resource and makes trans-boundary river basins areas of conflict. To resolve such conflicts, the involvement of a third party mediator with the capabilities to offer incentives to reluctant riparians, coupled with the creation of a management institution to address conflicts as they arise, offers the best means of addressing both the short term issues of getting states to agree to a cooperative arrangement for the river and the long term commitment problems that would lead states to renege on the agreement. This thesis will explore the utility of the combined short and long-term approach to mediate trans-boundary river conflicts by examining the mediation and resolution of the Indus River conflict between India and Pakistan. The lessons learned are then used to investigate the unresolved conflict between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and offer ways of managing the conflict.
Chapter One
The Central Problematic
Water is a scarce and vital resource needed for all aspects of human existence and production. Unlike other, often fought-over resources such as oil, there is no viable alternative to water. Without a sufficient quantity or quality of water, economic development as well as industrial and agricultural production grind to a halt, human suffering grows, and societal stability becomes increasingly threatened. Humanity’s main sources of water are freshwater rivers.
There are 263 trans-boundary rivers around the world, some of which are shared by as many as 17 countries. A trans-boundary river is a river that crosses political boundaries such as international borders. Growing populations, increasing industrialization and pollution, and changing resource and energy needs bring into focus the precarious situation in which riparians find themselves. So long as there is no cooperation over the shared resources, each state must use the water in the river to its best advantage before it crosses international borders and becomes unreachable. The actions of one state, for instance building a dam and diverting part of the river’s flow or polluting the water can seriously affect the water security of the other riparians. Because of this, trans-boundary rivers are potential loci for conflict over the use of the shared river. Zawahri explains that “conflict over international rivers arises when states undertake unilateral development of the shared river system to accommodate their own needs and without regard for the impact on their riparian neighbor.” While scholars of water conflicts are quick to point out that instances of cooperation over shared freshwater rivers far outnumber conflicts , the causes of conflict should not be dismissed, and likewise the need for ways to promote cooperation must be investigated further.
Asymmetric power distribution among riparians, unilateral development and difficult political histories affect the relationship among riparians and make cooperative solutions for the use and distribution of the river’s resources harder to achieve. A riparian with first access to the river may, for instance, be unwilling to curtail its use of the river in order to accommodate the needs of its downstream neighbors unless there is some benefit it would derive from such an arrangement. Such situations generate instability and insecurity among all riparians because they cannot overcome the zero-sum mentality in regards to the use of the river and worsen already difficult political relationships.
Conflicts over trans-boundary rivers are also made more difficult because their resolution is not a matter of a one-time negotiation. The river and its resources do not cease to exist once its use and resources are allocated to individual riparians and neither do the needs of the riparians remain constant indefinitely. “The issue at the heart of the conflict for riparian states is a long-term management problem that involves the need to address disputes continuously and compels them to interact indefinitely.” These dynamics make the likelihood of building lasting, binding agreements that adequately address the dynamics of trans-boundary river conflicts slim. How then can these conflicts move from zero-sum unilateral use to a win-win situation of cooperation
< صفحه استاندارد:
فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک شامل به همراه فایل word این محصول فایل پاورپوینت (PowerPoint) و اسلاید های آن به صورت هدیه ارائه خواهد شدمناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است
فایل ورد مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.
این پروژه توسط مرکز مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک2 ارائه میگردد
توجه : در صورت مشاهده بهم ريختگي احتمالي در متون زير ،دليل ان کپي کردن اين مطالب از داخل فایل ورد مي باشد و در فايل اصلي مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک،به هيچ وجه بهم ريختگي وجود ندارد
بخشی از متن مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک :
دانلود پایان نامه رشته آب به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک
میتوانید این پایان نامه را به زبان فارسی ترجمه کرده و با مشورت استاد راهنما به عنوان پروژه ی پایانی خودتان به ثبت برسانید
نوع فایل : Word
تعداد صفحات : 64
Mediating Trans Boundary Water Conflicts
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Table of Contents 3
Chapter One
Introduction 5
The Central Problematic 5
The Question 6
The Argument 7
Outline 7
Conclusion 8
Chapter Two
Literature Review 9
Beginnings of the Debate 9
The Evolution of “Conflict” and “Cooperation” 11
Conclusion 13
Chapter Three
Theoretical Framework 15
Is Cooperation Possible 15
The Mediation 17
The Management Institution 18
Conclusion 21
Chapter Four
Research Design 22
Method of Analysis 22
Case Selection Strategy 22
Scope and Limitations 24
Chapter Five
The Indus River Conflict: Mediation and Management 26
Background 26
The Situation on the Ground 27
The Conflict 28
Mediating the Indus River Conflict 31
The Indus Water Treaty 34
The Permanent Indus Commission 35
Long-Term Cooperation in the Indus Basin 37
Conclusion 39
Chapter Six
The Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Conflict 40
Background 40
The Situation on the Ground 41
The Conflict 42
The Keban and Tabqa Dams 43
The Southeast Anatolia Development Project 44
Attempts at Conflict Management 46
Conclusion 48
Chapter Seven
Long-Term Cooperation in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin 49
Facilitating a Trilateral Agreement 49
Potential Issue Linkages 52
Potential Side-Payments 54
The Management Institution 55
Conclusion 56
Chapter Eight
Conclusion 58
Bibliography 60
Trans-boundary rivers are shared by multiple sovereign states, creating conflicting demands on the river’s resources and further complicating already difficult political legacies. This combination hinders cooperation over the communal resource and makes trans-boundary river basins areas of conflict. To resolve such conflicts, the involvement of a third party mediator with the capabilities to offer incentives to reluctant riparians, coupled with the creation of a management institution to address conflicts as they arise, offers the best means of addressing both the short term issues of getting states to agree to a cooperative arrangement for the river and the long term commitment problems that would lead states to renege on the agreement. This thesis will explore the utility of the combined short and long-term approach to mediate trans-boundary river conflicts by examining the mediation and resolution of the Indus River conflict between India and Pakistan. The lessons learned are then used to investigate the unresolved conflict between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and offer ways of managing the conflict.
Chapter One
The Central Problematic
Water is a scarce and vital resource needed for all aspects of human existence and production. Unlike other, often fought-over resources such as oil, there is no viable alternative to water. Without a sufficient quantity or quality of water, economic development as well as industrial and agricultural production grind to a halt, human suffering grows, and societal stability becomes increasingly threatened. Humanity’s main sources of water are freshwater rivers.
There are 263 trans-boundary rivers around the world, some of which are shared by as many as 17 countries. A trans-boundary river is a river that crosses political boundaries such as international borders. Growing populations, increasing industrialization and pollution, and changing resource and energy needs bring into focus the precarious situation in which riparians find themselves. So long as there is no cooperation over the shared resources, each state must use the water in the river to its best advantage before it crosses international borders and becomes unreachable. The actions of one state, for instance building a dam and diverting part of the river’s flow or polluting the water can seriously affect the water security of the other riparians. Because of this, trans-boundary rivers are potential loci for conflict over the use of the shared river. Zawahri explains that “conflict over international rivers arises when states undertake unilateral development of the shared river system to accommodate their own needs and without regard for the impact on their riparian neighbor.” While scholars of water conflicts are quick to point out that instances of cooperation over shared freshwater rivers far outnumber conflicts , the causes of conflict should not be dismissed, and likewise the need for ways to promote cooperation must be investigated further.
Asymmetric power distribution among riparians, unilateral development and difficult political histories affect the relationship among riparians and make cooperative solutions for the use and distribution of the river’s resources harder to achieve. A riparian with first access to the river may, for instance, be unwilling to curtail its use of the river in order to accommodate the needs of its downstream neighbors unless there is some benefit it would derive from such an arrangement. Such situations generate instability and insecurity among all riparians because they cannot overcome the zero-sum mentality in regards to the use of the river and worsen already difficult political relationships.
Conflicts over trans-boundary rivers are also made more difficult because their resolution is not a matter of a one-time negotiation. The river and its resources do not cease to exist once its use and resources are allocated to individual riparians and neither do the needs of the riparians remain constant indefinitely. “The issue at the heart of the conflict for riparian states is a long-term management problem that involves the need to address disputes continuously and compels them to interact indefinitely.” These dynamics make the likelihood of building lasting, binding agreements that adequately address the dynamics of trans-boundary river conflicts slim. How then can these conflicts move from zero-sum unilateral use to a win-win situation of cooperation
< صفحه منظم و آماده استفاده است.
- مورد تأیید علمی: فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بر اساس استانداردهای دانشگاهی تدوین شده و برای پروژههای علمی مناسب است.
- طراحی بینقص: فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک با ساختاری مرتب و منظم طراحی شده که کار با آن را آسان میکند.
- هدیه رایگان: همراه با مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک، یک پاورپوینت شکیل و حرفهای نیز به شما تقدیم میشود.
- آماده ارائه: مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک و پاورپوینت هدیه بهگونهای طراحی شدهاند که بدون نیاز به ویرایش، برای جلسات و ارائهها آماده باشند.
- مطالب بهروز و مفید: محتوای علمی مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهگونهای تدوین شده که فهم مطالب را برای شما آسانتر کند.
- قابلیت ویرایش آسان: فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهراحتی قابل تغییر و سفارشیسازی است.
- تضمین کیفیت: کیفیت مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک و پاورپوینت هدیه تضمینشده است و پشتیبانی کامل ارائه میشود.
بخشی از متن مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک :
دانلود پایان نامه رشته آب به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک
میتوانید این پایان نامه را به زبان فارسی ترجمه کرده و با مشورت استاد راهنما به عنوان پروژه ی پایانی خودتان به ثبت برسانید
نوع فایل : Word
تعداد صفحات : 64
Mediating Trans Boundary Water Conflicts
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Table of Contents 3
Chapter One
Introduction 5
The Central Problematic 5
The Question 6
The Argument 7
Outline 7
Conclusion 8
Chapter Two
Literature Review 9
Beginnings of the Debate 9
The Evolution of “Conflict” and “Cooperation” 11
Conclusion 13
Chapter Three
Theoretical Framework 15
Is Cooperation Possible 15
The Mediation 17
The Management Institution 18
Conclusion 21
Chapter Four
Research Design 22
Method of Analysis 22
Case Selection Strategy 22
Scope and Limitations 24
Chapter Five
The Indus River Conflict: Mediation and Management 26
Background 26
The Situation on the Ground 27
The Conflict 28
Mediating the Indus River Conflict 31
The Indus Water Treaty 34
The Permanent Indus Commission 35
Long-Term Cooperation in the Indus Basin 37
Conclusion 39
Chapter Six
The Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Conflict 40
Background 40
The Situation on the Ground 41
The Conflict 42
The Keban and Tabqa Dams 43
The Southeast Anatolia Development Project 44
Attempts at Conflict Management 46
Conclusion 48
Chapter Seven
Long-Term Cooperation in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin 49
Facilitating a Trilateral Agreement 49
Potential Issue Linkages 52
Potential Side-Payments 54
The Management Institution 55
Conclusion 56
Chapter Eight
Conclusion 58
Bibliography 60
Trans-boundary rivers are shared by multiple sovereign states, creating conflicting demands on the river’s resources and further complicating already difficult political legacies. This combination hinders cooperation over the communal resource and makes trans-boundary river basins areas of conflict. To resolve such conflicts, the involvement of a third party mediator with the capabilities to offer incentives to reluctant riparians, coupled with the creation of a management institution to address conflicts as they arise, offers the best means of addressing both the short term issues of getting states to agree to a cooperative arrangement for the river and the long term commitment problems that would lead states to renege on the agreement. This thesis will explore the utility of the combined short and long-term approach to mediate trans-boundary river conflicts by examining the mediation and resolution of the Indus River conflict between India and Pakistan. The lessons learned are then used to investigate the unresolved conflict between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and offer ways of managing the conflict.
Chapter One
The Central Problematic
Water is a scarce and vital resource needed for all aspects of human existence and production. Unlike other, often fought-over resources such as oil, there is no viable alternative to water. Without a sufficient quantity or quality of water, economic development as well as industrial and agricultural production grind to a halt, human suffering grows, and societal stability becomes increasingly threatened. Humanity’s main sources of water are freshwater rivers.
There are 263 trans-boundary rivers around the world, some of which are shared by as many as 17 countries. A trans-boundary river is a river that crosses political boundaries such as international borders. Growing populations, increasing industrialization and pollution, and changing resource and energy needs bring into focus the precarious situation in which riparians find themselves. So long as there is no cooperation over the shared resources, each state must use the water in the river to its best advantage before it crosses international borders and becomes unreachable. The actions of one state, for instance building a dam and diverting part of the river’s flow or polluting the water can seriously affect the water security of the other riparians. Because of this, trans-boundary rivers are potential loci for conflict over the use of the shared river. Zawahri explains that “conflict over international rivers arises when states undertake unilateral development of the shared river system to accommodate their own needs and without regard for the impact on their riparian neighbor.” While scholars of water conflicts are quick to point out that instances of cooperation over shared freshwater rivers far outnumber conflicts , the causes of conflict should not be dismissed, and likewise the need for ways to promote cooperation must be investigated further.
Asymmetric power distribution among riparians, unilateral development and difficult political histories affect the relationship among riparians and make cooperative solutions for the use and distribution of the river’s resources harder to achieve. A riparian with first access to the river may, for instance, be unwilling to curtail its use of the river in order to accommodate the needs of its downstream neighbors unless there is some benefit it would derive from such an arrangement. Such situations generate instability and insecurity among all riparians because they cannot overcome the zero-sum mentality in regards to the use of the river and worsen already difficult political relationships.
Conflicts over trans-boundary rivers are also made more difficult because their resolution is not a matter of a one-time negotiation. The river and its resources do not cease to exist once its use and resources are allocated to individual riparians and neither do the needs of the riparians remain constant indefinitely. “The issue at the heart of the conflict for riparian states is a long-term management problem that involves the need to address disputes continuously and compels them to interact indefinitely.” These dynamics make the likelihood of building lasting, binding agreements that adequately address the dynamics of trans-boundary river conflicts slim. How then can these conflicts move from zero-sum unilateral use to a win-win situation of cooperation
چرا فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهترین انتخاب برای ارائههای شماست؟
در دنیای رقابتی امروز، یک ارائه حرفهای میتواند تفاوت بزرگی ایجاد کند. **فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک** ابزاری ایدهآل برای نمایش محتوای شما به روشی استاندارد، زیبا و جذاب است. با استفاده از مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک، میتوانید تأثیری عمیق بر مخاطبان خود بگذارید و پیام خود را به شکلی کاملاً حرفهای منتقل کنید.
ویژگیهای برتر فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک:
- طراحی بینظیر: مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک با دقت و ظرافت طراحی شده تا تمامی نیازهای شما برای ارائههای تخصصی را برآورده کند.
- ساختار سازمانیافته: محتوای مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک به گونهای مرتب شده است که انتقال مفاهیم را ساده و موثر میسازد.
- جلوههای بصری خیرهکننده: استفاده از گرافیکهای مدرن و رنگبندی حرفهای، مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک را به انتخابی جذاب و متفاوت تبدیل کرده است.
- قابلیتهای متنوع: مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک برای جلسات کاری، پروژههای دانشگاهی و حتی آموزش به بهترین شکل قابل استفاده است.
- ویرایش آسان: مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک انعطافپذیری بالایی دارد و شما میتوانید به راحتی آن را بر اساس نیازهای خود شخصیسازی کنید.
چگونه با مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهترین ارائه را داشته باشید؟
فقط کافی است مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک را دانلود کنید و بلافاصله از طراحی آماده آن استفاده کنید. ساختار حرفهای و استاندارد این فایل به شما کمک میکند تا بدون صرف زمان اضافی، اسلایدهای جذابی برای ارائههای خود آماده کنید.
مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک برای تمامی کاربران:
فرقی نمیکند دانشجو هستید، معلم یا متخصص؛ مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک ابزار مناسبی برای ارائه محتوای شما به روشی حرفهای است. این فایل با صرفهجویی در وقت، کیفیت ارائه شما را بهبود میبخشد و تأثیرگذاری بیشتری در ذهن مخاطبان ایجاد میکند.
تضمین کیفیت و پشتیبانی:
مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک براساس بازخورد کاربران واقعی طراحی شده و تمامی نیازهای شما را در نظر گرفته است. تیم ما کیفیت این محصول را تضمین کرده و در صورت بروز هرگونه مشکل، پشتیبانی کامل ارائه میدهد.
همین حالا فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک را دریافت کنید:
اگر به دنبال تجربه یک ارائه متفاوت و حرفهای هستید، مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک بهترین گزینه برای شماست. این فرصت را از دست ندهید و با چند کلیک ساده، فایل مناقشه بر سر آبهای بین مرزهای مشترک را دانلود کنید و ارائهای بینظیر داشته باشید.
شماره پشتیبانی برای ارسال اس ام اس : 09054791747